Pulp and paper industry
Paper and pulp

NSA 304
Detergent for machine cleaning of paper and pulp industry (boil out).

NSA 306
Biocida Composto líquido, de Nova Geração (SEM cloro, bromo, izotiazolinonas, ou outros tóxicos derivados), biodegradável, utilizado para controle microbiológico na água de processo de fabricação de papel e celulose, em suspensões de polpa, bem como nos fluxos de afluentes e efluentes do processo.

NSA 319
Liquid enzymatic compound for the refining process used to optimize the refining step of paper and cellulose by better adapting the fiber structure throurgh increasing the number of bonds (fibrils) between them, increasing the surface of the refiner disc, providing, among other benefits, a greater distance from it and the consequent reduction of energy consumption, increased performance of physical tests, productivity and reduced paper quality.

NSA 320
Liquid catalyst for control of waste contaminants in paper, minimizing the presence of pitch, stickies, hotmelt and paraffin within the production process.

NSA 327 SE
Liquid detergent for felts cleaning.

NSA 328
Liquid detergent for screen cleaning.